Dr. Verestóy Attila Foundation

"Giving is the best communication"

The dr. Verestóy Attila Foundation’s report on last year

The dr. Verestóy Attila Foundation’s report on last year

Friday, 12 July 2013 21:13

The foundation supports the Orbán Foundation’s Bice –Bóca group since the establishment-it pays the everyday meal which was 87222 RON last year. The aim of the foundation is: to help the mentally and physically disabled children develop and learn. Most of the children in the centre are heavily disabled (66,66%-26 people), less able (25,6%-10 people) and slightly mentally disabled (7,6%-3 people). At the moment 13 children are living in the centre, and 39 children require the services.

We already learnt about the activity of the Pro Autist Foundation in 2009, and then we helped them buy a dental instrument for the children suffering from autism. Since April 2011 we support the Centre for Autism from Feliceni with 800 Ron monthly, this year it was 9600 RON. The aim of the foundation is to make these children and their parent’s life easier. Their activity: creating a database, training parents, educating children with autism, professional training for specialists, organising courses.


Civil Day

The idea that thinking together and helping each other’s work would make our work for the city more efficient was born as a result of the civil collaboration. The aims of the day are: to draw people’s attention on the role of the civil sphere, the importance of voluntariness, and to remind the locals to offer the 2% of their taxes. The local council was the main supporter of this project offering 5000 RON. The manager of the project was Tankó Ágnes, our partners were: Community Foundation of Odorheiu Secuiesc, Caritas, Civitas Foundation, Youth Forum of Odorheiu Secuiesc, Kinderstart Association, Agora. 168 young volunteers helped us clean the riverbank of the Szejkepatak and Nagy Küküllő, the coach stations, the Kerekerdő forest, they helped use renovate the Blanka House, paint classrooms etc.

By our project called On the Path of Knowledge we provided village student the opportunity to visit the exposition entitled The Genial Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci. From 35 village sch ools 2667 students visited the museum by the coaches that we rented for this occasion. This might have been the first time that these children went to a museum. This was an unforgettable experience for them. The employees of the foundation made the appointments, and organised the trip for the students.

Our project entitled Our health is our treasure! was started in 2009 due to the International Health Day. The project aims to draw the attention of kindergarten students on the importance of health. This year we organised it for the children from Avrămești.

Classroom equipped with multimedia devices-we had the first request for this project in 2010 and we decided to support one classroom in every 3 months because the number of requests was growing and growing. Since then 12 classroom from Odorheiu Secuiesc and 2 classroom from the countryside have been equiped: Bethlen Gábor, Orbán Balázs, Móra Ferenc, Tompa László, Fülöp Áron elementary schools, Tamási Áron, Palló Imre, Marin Preda high schools. The teachers who take part in the project confess: the quality of the education depends on these audio-visual equipments.

Youth Business program- we supported and co-organised the program organised by the Calasancticus Training program, which provides high school students with the opportunity to learn the basic terms of the business, to improve their communication and problem solving skills. 96 students took part in the program in 4 different modules. During the week the participants were working on a project in 6-8 member-teams, which they presented in front of a professional jury.

The future is you!- this is the most popular and well-known program of the foundation. We can proudly say that the foundation has an important role in the education of Harghita County. The application was invited for the 5th time and 73 high school students, 82 university students and 3 researchers applied for the scholarship. By finding new supporters we could provide scholarships for 27 high school students, 12 university students and 3 researchers. Our supporters: Junior, ABC Impex, Szilánk, László Constr, Consensus and last but not the least a private individual who supported the foundation for the second time. Beside the scholarship, we helped two siblings with computer 37 students got 300 RON as a schoolstarting package. We also helped 6 students by paying their rent and transport.

After announcing the results we were still looking for other opportunities to raise money for new scholarships. That’s why we took part in the project called Run for It! organized by the Community Foundation of Odorheiu Secuiesc, where we could find more than 100 supporters and gain 9230 RON. Due to this, 6 new university students were supported. Every year we put the emphasis on the 2% of the taxes. The money gathered by this project is also spent on education.

We have been supporting the Harmatcseppek (Dewdrops) Charity Group, led by Lőrincz Edit teacher for 2 years. The students of the Baczkamadarasi Kis Gergely Reformed High School visit the elderly regularly and they also try to make holidays better for children. Due to our support they make people living in the hospices of Locodeni and Szobatfalva smile, make children from Ocna de Sus happy.

Intensive, playful English courses for small children and students- In collaboration with the International Children’s Safety Services we were partners of the Kinderstart Association in organising the 3-week-English course in the Rózsa children house where American volunteers would teach English for students. The aim of the program was to make pupil learn the language in a playful, interactive way. More than 100 pupils-between the age of 3 and 14-took part in the program. We have organised the Learning Enterprise English Courses for the first time and we hope that this will be continued.

A Happier Christmas-because of the success of the last two years, we decided to organise the activity again by the help of the Caritas. The aim of the program is to make many elderly smiles with homemade pastries. 60 volunteers took part in the program, 150 packages of pastries were handed out, 120 by the Caritas and 30 by the Saint Francis Foundation for the children. The last two kilos were given by the Soul and Light Foundation for the children from Secuieni.

In 2012 more than 5000 people were supported by the foundation through own and other programs.

Supported programs

    1. Remény (Hope) Foundation form Miercurea Ciuc-they organised a Christmas Dinner for the youngsters living in state institution (approximately 250-1000 RON)
    2. We supported monthly the Napsugár az esőben (Sunshine in the Rain) Foundation with 350 RON, this way we contributed to the transport of disabled children to the centre.
    3. Saint Francis Association for the disabled children-we supported them with 2000 RON
    4. We supported Dénes Artúr university student’s student trip with 1230 RON
    5. We supported the program of the Heuréka Foundation with 2000 Ron to buy CDs for school libraries.
    6. We supported the Terra Siculorum International Classical Guitar Festival organised by the Harmonia Cordis Association with 2000 RON. During the festival well known professionals were teaching the interested youngsters.
    7. Biró Csongor from Gheorgheni, studying at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca went to Memphis with other classmates to present an earthquake safety structure. The foundation supported their trip with 2000 Ron.
    8. We supported Butu Arnold Csaba with 2000 Ron to take part in national and international disability competitions.
    9. Kurutty Educational and Cultural Association-their aim is to develop an alternative learning process in Transylvania. They organise general knowledge competitions. We supported the county section with 1080 RON.
    10. Sylvester Dénes Association-we supported a conference with 1000 RON
    11. For the Art of Homoród Foundation- we supported the 35th Art Camp with 1500 RON. They offer us 2 art pieces every year.
    12. For the Children of Szombatfalva Association-furniture painting course for kindergarten teachers
    13. Supporting the Elementary School of Păltiniș with 400 RON-organising Children’s Day
    14. Center for Disabled Children at Cristuru Secuiesc-1000 Ron for Children’s Day
    15. Boróka dance Group-200 Ron
    16. Supporting children from Sândominic with 400 RON to take part in a competition.
    17. Vitéz Lelkek Cultural Association-supporting the art group to take part in a camp with 1000 RON.
    18. Harmonia Association-supporting them with 1000 Ron to take the children from the kindergarten to a camp where they would learn about environmental protection.
    19. Bonus Pastor Foundation-it offers programs for people suffering from addictions and their families. We visited the camp for the third time, 2500 RON.
    20. Radó Ferenc Association. We support the best mathematicians every year, 2000 RON.
    21. Association of Diabetic Children and Youngsters-we supported the camp for the third time, 1600 RON.
    22. Yuppi Association-1500 RON
    23. Pro Down Foundation-activities for disabled youngsters, 2000 RON.
    24. Let’s get to know our fatherland-history and geography competition organized by the Kőrősi Csoma Sándor Elementary School at Vărșag, 1000 RON.

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