Dr. Verestóy Attila Foundation

"Giving is the best communication"

My name is Orsolya Gagyi and I live with my parents and my siblings in Dealu/Oroszhegy where I was born. To primary and secondary school I went in this village. Currently I’m a senior student at the Gergely Kis Baczkamadarasi Reformed College where I’ve been studying natural sciences. I’ve always liked belonging to a community; therefore I aspire to participate in as many different activities as possible in order to get to know new people. This way became the choir of the school and the orchestra part of my life, as well as the youth group of Dealu.

You said that music has an important role in your life. Since when have you been playing on different instruments? Which one is your favorite?

I’ve been playing the guitar for almost six years, though I still feel the need to hone my skills on guitar. Most of the time, I play in the school orchestra during morning services. I like playing the most when I do it as a hoppy or just for fun making others happy. I’m also an enthusiastic member of the village’s all brass orchestra. We took part in a three-year course. Since then we get more and more reputation. During this time I got attached not only to my French horn, but to each member of the community too.

You mentioned that you hadn’t had the opportunity to volunteer, but you would gladly do it. What kind of volunteer activity would you like to do in the future?

I’m still looking for the opportunity to help people. Trying to gather information on volunteering and this is how I heard about the Young Caritas’ “Leave a trace!” program through which we can help elderly. Taking into consideration my abilities and free time I’d like to join to this activity the most. In case this doesn’t work out, I’d still love to make others happy, so Christmas wouldn’t only be my favorite holiday, but others’ as well. This time of the year one has the most chances/opportunities to do volunteer work.

You will be graduating from high school soon. What are your plans for the future?

For the future I don’t have a specific plan yet. I’d like to continue my studies anyway and to choose a course that’s dynamic and through which I will have the opportunity to experience and to learn a lot. One of my dreams is to be part of a university community that allows me to experience as much as possible.

What does it mean for you to be a scholarship recipient of the foundation?

I’m very happy for it; since this community also proves to be loyal that teaches, loves and helps us. Here I also have a chance to get to know new people and face new situations.

Message for the foundation:

Thank you very much! Already the first amount I received helped a lot with school expenses and commuting. The family budget got rid of some expenses and I can start thinking about my future plans and savings.

I’m Orsolya Gagyi. I was born in 2001 in Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely. I go to Elek Benedek Pedagogical High School, and am studying natural sciences and English. I like spending time with my friends and participating in any kind of sports activity.

We found out that you’ve been part of the women’s handball team of Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely. Why did you choose this sport?

This sport has always been close to my heart. I had tried many different activities and I liked handball the most. Not only getting to know people, but being a member of a team (a community) had a lot of advantages. Still, the most important and the best thing is that I can do physical activity on a daily basis.

You told us about your dreams, mentioning that you would like to find a job in the field of health care as a doctor. Why would you choose this profession?

I like biology very much. I find the human body fascinating and that it’s made up of many parts. My desire to help people also gives me motivation to pursue this career.

What other plans do you have for the future? Who or what motivates you to achieve your goals?

In the future I’d like to learn English. I’d like to travel, to see the world, to get to know other cultures and to make memories. My family motivates me, but I’d like to prove for myself mainly.

What does it mean to you to be a scholarship recipient? How does it help you?

It’s an honor to be a scholarship recipient of the foundation. I’m very grateful for it. It encourages me to believe that I am able to achieve my goals.

Message for the foundation:

I want to thank them for this enormous support.

My name is Andrea Brigitta Máthé. I live in Odorheiu Secuiesc with my parents and my sister. I went to the Orbán Balázs Elementary school from the first to the eighth grade. I’m 17 years old, a student of the Kós Károly Vocational school in the XI.C class and studying commercialism.

Tell us about your family.

My little sister’s name is Klaudia Máthé. She also studies at the Orbán Balázs School and is a fourth grader. I’m very proud of her and trying to do my best so our relationship when we grow up will be very good and we will be able to rely on each other in good and bad times. I get along very well with my mother. She is the one who listens to me gladly, helps and supports, whether with mental problems or something else. My father is the opposite; I can’t have deep conversations with him. He’s a little uncommunicative, but still supports me.

You take part in many activities and your range of interest is wide. Tell us about it in a bit more details.

This is correct, but they are only hobbies for me. I had been playing basketball for 3 years on a regular basis, that for some reason I stopped after the 8th grade, partly because of studying and partly because of my fellows. I don’t mind it though, because this way I have more time to study and do other activities. Physical activity is still a part of my life. I always have a chance, if I want to exercise, for a hike in the nature or for cycling. Drawing is also a pleasant activity for me. Many asked looking at my drawings why I don’t choose it for career, since I can draw nicely and have a talent for it. I feel that it’s not for me, just a way of relaxation.

In your introduction you wrote that you wanted to take a nursing course after graduating from high school and you had had set this goal purposefully for a long time.

Yes, this is my ultimate goal indeed, but before that I’d like to graduate successfully from high school. I realized that when in 7th grade we were studying anatomy. I got curious about what must be going on in a human body on a daily basis. I cannot describe the feeling when I realized this all. I’m very interested in what is happening inside the man. I’d like to study this at the Tamási Áron High School here in Odorheiu Secuiesc.

You’ve been volunteering. How did it feel? Would you do it again?

Yes, I have. Coats Odorhei organized an event of collecting trash and I participated in this activity. It was a very nice feeling that the nature got a bit cleaner with my help. I did it gladly and with devotion, because I knew I helped my home, the Earth. I’d love to take part in such activities, because the feeling is indescribable, when I know I help and I don’t expect anything in return. It is uplifting.

How do you see the foundation helps you achieve your goals?

What the foundation provides is a great help for me. It lays the foundation for my future, so that I can achieve my goal. I’m very happy to be its scholar. It’s nice to know that there are people to whom it matters what will happen to us when we grow up. I hope that in a couple of years we will be able to make other children happy too as did the foundation.

Your message for the foundation

I’d like to send the message not to give up what they do because the next generation needs help, just like us, to achieve their goals. Hopefully I will be able to do my share, since it feels good to help others achieve their goals.

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