Dr. Verestóy Attila Foundation

"Giving is the best communication"

Attila Verestoy Foundation: we continue the work

The Attila Verestoy Foundation, remained without the founder and the main supporter, does not cease after the senator’s death: the leader of the NGO said it yesterday afternoon in Odorheiu Secuiesc. Melinda Nemes reported that they are looking for further supporters.
Since Senator Attila Verestoy died in the end of January, his son is going to support the organization, therefore nothing threatens the foundation’s existence – said Melinda Nemes. Its manager told that the different types of scholarships are going to be maintained for now, and their biggest program, that is supporting university students, high school students and researchers, is not going to end either at least until the end of this school year.

Melinda Nemes, manager, Attila Verestoy Foundation

The organization has been established for ten years this February and its members of the advisory board hasn’t changed almost at all from the beginnings. Historian Mihaly Hermann Gusztav recalls the past decade in the following way.

Mihaly Hermann Gusztav, advisory board member

More and more people joint the foundation in the last few years. For example, last year beside the 440 thousand lei offered by the founder, we received more than 220 thousand lei. Most of the money was spent on educational programs, but social and health care support were offered, as well. During the ten years more than 5 million lei was spent on supporting students who were in need and worthy of it.


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